Hey there everyone, welcome to the first You Know You Want This video, which is another one of our new series here at Treasured Spaces! With this series, we’re going to offer up some awesome tips and tricks for improving your home, as well as some renovations that a professional remodeler and builder can get […]
It seems like, in recent years, the midwest has been plagued by an excess amount of precipitation. And while this is great for helping the flowers bloom come springtime, it isn’t great for homes that are vulnerable to leaky basements and potential flooding. Water in your basement can cause damage to the floors and […]
Treasured Spaces very own Minnesota Home Remodeler, Josh Carlson, shares why he’s so passionate about home remodeling, his favorite type of houses to build and more! How’d You Get Started in Home Construction & Remodeling When I was really young I always liked to tinker with all kinds of stuff in my dad’s […]
If there is one thing that we can’t stand here at Treasured Spaces, it’s when a home remodeler doesn’t try and keep the integrity and character that an older home possesses when replacing trim. Now, we understand that everyone has a different budget and we’ll happily work with you whether your budget is […]